Psychological evaluations consist of a combination of information gathered from multiple sources, including one-on-one assessment, and clinical interviews. The purpose is to gain individualized knowledge on a child's strengths and weaknesses that can guide specific interventions and personalized recommendations for the child to improve in their area(s) of weakness. The referral question drives the evaluation to gain enough information needed to answer the referral question. Evaluations can be completed in the following areas:
Specific Learning Difficulties
Gifted Evaluations
ADHD Evaluations
Reading Difficulties (Dyslexia)
Math Difficulties (Dyscalculia)
Writing Difficulties (Dysgraphia)
Intellectual Impairment
Autism Spectrum Disorder
A report is written for each psychological evaluation and results are reviewed with the parent/guardian of the child.
At Children's Psychological Services, LLC, we are dedicated to providing high-quality mental health services to address a wide range of emotional and behavioral challenges. Whether you're seeking therapy for your child, teenager, or yourself, we offer counseling services to meet your unique needs. Counseling services provide individuals with strategies and tools they need to be successful in an area of their life that is challenging for them.
~ Virtual and in person sessions available ~
Social Skills
Test-taking Strategies
Peer Relations
The first session is an intake interview conducted with the parent/guardian and the child. A plan is created based on the interview. A report is not completed at the end of the counseling sessions, unless requested. The child may be given "homework" to do after each session and the parent/guardian will be given information on how to assist the child with generalization of information learned across settings, such as at home. Sessions are 45 minutes in length with a brief follow up with the parent, if desired, to help support strategies at home.
There are also therapists who have clinical experience working with adults and would like to provide that option too. Please visit the Adult Therapy Services page for more information.
We are available for consultation to parent/guardians of school-age children.
We are available to provide supervision groups to current School Psychologists who are looking to become licensed in School Psychology in the state of Florida. For more information, please email valerie.roth@mychildpsych.com for more information.