ACES Courses for Parents

(Academics and Cognition in the Educational System)

Courses where parents/caregivers can learn about various topics and have the opportunity to ask Licensed School Psychologist questions.

Each month will be a different topic ranging from mental health, teen years, ADHD, and Autism to how to navigate school procedures with testing, accommodations, Section 504 Plans, and Individualized Educational Plans (IEP’S)

February 2/5/24

Navigating testing, IEP, 504 Plans and Giftedness within the schools.

This month we will be navigating policies and procedures about Section 504 Plans, Individualized Education Plans (IEP), Gifted services, and accommodations within public, charter, and private schools.

The difference between testing within a school versus private testing and comparing the different professionals who can evaluate a student will also be a topic during this month.

March 3/4/24

Anxious Students and accommodations

Anxieties and worries affect many school-aged children today and based on research, the number of students experiencing anxiety is on the rise. This month we will discuss anxiety and how that may look at home and at school and ways to help the student.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a group of volunteer health professionals who evaluate evidence on various preventive health services. The task force now recommends regular anxiety screenings for youth ages 8 to 18”

Improving Mental Health

What's Worrying Ameria's Youth

April 4/1/24

Autism Awareness Month

The diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has changed over time. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM-5th Edition, Text Revised) will be used to discuss ASD criteria and how a clinical and educational diagnosis are different.

The rise in females getting diagnosed is a current trending topic as it may present slighlty different in girls than boys.

Supports and resources will be shared with the parents during the group session.

May 5/6/24

Mental Health Awareness

The rise in mental health concerns and suicidal ideation will be discussed as well as the various main categories of mental health, how they present, and various treatment styles.

June 6/3/24

Navigating Electronics

Is your child wanting electronics all summer break? This month we will talk about restrictions, time limits and parental controls regarding electronics and children.

July 7/1/24

Teen Years

The parent/child relationship and how it changes over time will be the topic this month. Children want to gain independence so we will help you with controlled control and how the cycle of the parent-child relationship evolves.

August 8/5/24

Psychoeducational Evaluations versus other evaluation types

The difference between the various psychological evaluations will be reviewed and how to identify if they’re giving the information you what is needed for the school systems.

September 9/9/24

Homework Struggles

Barriers and struggles to making homework manageable will be the topic for September. Test tasking strategies, studying, after school routines, and executive functioning will also be incorporated.

October 10/7/24

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD and mental health will be the topic of the month. Growth mindset will also be incorporated into the discussion.

November 11/4/24


Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), Positive Behavioral Intervention Plans (PBIP), and behavior support plans will be discussed this month. In addition, defiance, tantrums, outburts, self-regulation, and big emotions will be areas of discussion.

Meeting Dates: First Monday of the Month at 6:00pm -7:30pm

at 9040 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202

Cost: $95 per month or $855 bundle for all months if paid in advance

ACES Parent Course - 1 month
ACES Parent Course - 2024 All Months Bundle
Sale Price: $855.00 Original Price: $950.00