Evaluations offered at Children’s Psychological Services
Learning Disabilities
Reading, Math, Writing Difficulties
SAT/ACT Accommodation Testing
Gifted and Pine View
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Intelligence Testing for Strengths/Weaknesses
Packages can be modified to meet individual needs.
Information on some of the evaluations are described below to give parents/caregivers insight on the differences.
This evaluation is for parents who are concerned their child may have a learning disability. Parents may suspect a learning disability if their child is not making progress with targeted interventions provided at the school, consistently has low grades on report cards, and/or doesn’t seem to grasp the concepts of one core subject (reading, math, or writing) as well as the others. This evaluation will provide information in the main academic areas of reading, writing, and math. A more comprehensive assessment will be administered in the academic area of weakness. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report there will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is best for those concerned that their child has a learning disability in the area of reading or who may suspect their child has dyslexia. A learning disability in reading may be suspected if the child is not making progress with targeted interventions provided at the school, low grades are obtained in only reading, when reading aloud the child displays difficulty reading fluently, when asked what was read the child has difficulty comprehending the text, and the child shows difficulty with letter-sound correspondence. This evaluation will provide an in-depth assessment that assesses the academic area of reading to determine the specific reading deficit. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will also be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is best for those concerned that their child has a learning disability in the area of math or who may suspect their child has dyscalculia. A learning disability in math may be suspected if the child is not making progress with targeted interventions provided at the school, low grades are obtained in only math, when completing math problems the child may have difficulty with number sense, sequencing, procedures, skip counting, automaticity of math facts, and poor estimation skills. This evaluation will provide an in-depth assessment that assesses the academic area of mathematics to determine the specific math deficits. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will also be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is best for those concerned that their child has a learning disability in the area of writing or who may suspect their child has dysgraphia. A learning disability in writing may be suspected if the child is not making progress with targeted interventions provided at the school, low grades are obtained in only writing, when writing the child may display poor word formation, spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, poor paragraph formation, and/or poor written expression. This evaluation will provide an in-depth assessment that assesses the academic area of writing to determine the specific deficit. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will also be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is best for those concerned that their child has difficulty with academics. The evaluation can be focused on one area of concern or multiple areas. If the evaluation is focused on one area of concern, an in-depth evaluation will be administered to determine the child’s strength and weaknesses. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is best for those looking for an updated assessment to provide to the College Board or school for college accommodations. This evaluation will provide academic information in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will also be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is for parents/guardians who are interested in obtaining intellectual information on their child. Parents may suspect their child is gifted if they display high academic achievement in school, are motivated to learn and lead in groups, and think outside of the box. This evaluation includes the administration of a comprehensive IQ measure that will provide information in the areas of working memory, visual processing, processing speed, and fluid reasoning. A review of school records and background information will also be obtained through a clinical interview with the parent. A report will be provided during the feedback session. The report can be shared with the school for validation and possibly be used to assist with the eligibility process for the gifted program in the school setting.
This evaluation is for parents/guardians who are interested in completing the application process for Pineview. Parents may suspect their child is gifted if they display high academic achievement in school, are motivated to learn and lead in groups, and think outside of the box. This evaluation includes the administration of a comprehensive IQ measure that will provide information in the areas of working memory, visual processing, processing speed, and fluid reasoning. Academic measures that meet the Pineview criteria will also be administered. A review of school records and background information will also be obtained through a clinical interview with the parent. A report will be provided during the feedback session.
This evaluation is for parents/guardians who want a better understanding of their child’s cognitive processing skills in regards to understanding their strengths and weaknesses to drive instruction or interventions. The evaluation will include a comprehensive IQ that assesses the areas of cognitive processing, working memory, visual processing, auditory working memory, and fluid reasoning. A report will be provided that includes recommendations and interventions based on the child’s scores.
This evaluation focuses on obtaining various information to assist with students who may exhibit difficulties in the area of inattention, hyperactivity, or executive functioning. This evaluation would be best fit for those parents who are concerned with their child in school due to declining grades, trouble with organization, initiating tasks, emotional regulation, shifting from task to task, and trouble remembering multi-step directions. This evaluation will provide information in the main academic areas of reading, writing, and math. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Rating scales will be given to the child’s teachers and parent to obtain information on the probability of ADD/ADHD and to obtain information on the child’s executive functions. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation focuses on obtaining information to assist with students who are showing behavioral and/or social/emotional concerns, especially with externalizing or internalizing behaviors. This evaluation would be best fit for those parents who are concerned with their child in school due to declining grades, and believe their child may have behavioral or social/emotional concern. This evaluation will provide information in the main academic areas of reading, writing, and math. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. Rating scales will be given to the child’s teachers and parent to obtain information on their social/emotional functioning. The rating scales will provide information in the areas of anxiety, depression, learning problems, adaptive skills, social skills, hyperactivity, attention problems, and more. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This evaluation is for those who believe their child may be low cognitively, compared to others their age. Parents may suspect this if their child needs additional assistance with everyday life skills, is significantly behind their peers with academics, has trouble with peer interactions, and is not able to recognize dangerous situations. This evaluation will provide information in the main academic areas of reading, writing, and math. Additionally, a comprehensive IQ will be administered to obtain information on the child’s working memory, visual processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and an overall IQ. A second IQ will be administered, if necessary. Rating scales will be given to the child’s teachers and parent to obtain information on the child’s adaptive skills as well as their social/emotional functioning. Background information, a clinical interview, and a review of records will also be completed as a part of this evaluation. Upon completion of data collection, a written report will be provided during a feedback session with the parent. In the report will be recommendations and intervention suggestions that you can share with your child’s school, pediatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or any other professional your child sees.
This is a basic academic evaluation for students who are homeschooled. A standard academic battery will be administered and scores are provided to the family.